Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Few Thoughts

Some ideas I have been thinking about:

1. Reinstate the $25.00/$10.00 membership sign up bonus
2. Update and modernize CSUEU records
3. Appropriate money and resources from SEIU and hold them to their promises
4. Organize the Library Assistants to ensure a victory in the pending PERB case
5. Acquire new and emerging technologies for CSUEU staff, committees, chapters & activists
6. Develop a new CSUEU Logo
7. Work more closely with the Communications and Legislative Committees
8. Maximize CSUEU staff skills
9. Increase membership 15% within one year
10. Form and sustain substantial coalitions with other labor unions
11. Form a scalable master organizing plan for statewide and chapter use
12. Purchase our own server and related equipment
13. Outreach and recruitment for our English as a second language employees


Blogger Unknown said...

I like your list of thoughts.
I am not sure about the need for a new logo.
My limited experience has shown that communicating fact to members + FS is vital to improving the perception of the union. We should be known by our actions not by our branding image.
Having the appropriate communication infrastrucure that supports campus and intercampus communication is very important.
Knowledge is power.
Allowing horizontal communication and not just vertical communication makes the rank + file stronger.


8:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said, "Update and modernize CSUEU records."

What a concept! Every time I went to the CSUEU office it was faxes, copies, and 2-year old data. We don't live in the 70's and can operate that way. We need to be like the enemy -- Walmart -- and have data when and how we need it.

6:06 PM  

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